Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 11 - Ted

• Kefir Blueberry/Strawberry smoothie
• Green Tea


• Left over Chili

• Boiled egg whites
• Carrots

• Grilled salmon
• Homemade Caesar Salad

• About 60 oz

Observations: Doing good. I've been pleasantly surprised at my lack of cravings for the bad stuff and aside from the constant food imagery we are inundated with daily I've had plenty of yummy goodness placed in front of me at the office (more on this later.)

We were planning on having company this weekend which fell through at the last min. Thus most of our menu plans were now null and void. On the way home last night I was feeling some grilled salmon. One of the only actual cravings I've had and I'm not sure I'd call it that. Stopped off at the store and grabbed some fresh salmon steaks. Wasn't concerned about the 36 degree weather outside, I was grilling some salmon. Fired up the grill, got it real hot and sprayed the steaks with a little canola oil. Sprinkled then with Old Bay.

Now I was going to steam some broccoli, but instead I thought I'd give a shot to making a Caesar Salad. Obviously a Caesar Salad is largely defined by the dressing, which I haven't been able to find in Fat Free form in the store. So I made my own, which turned out pretty darn well. Here you go is you'd like to give it a try.

Caesar Salad:
- Chopped Romain Lettuce
- Fat Free Ranch Dressing mixed with Fat Free Balsamic Vinaigrette and grated parm.

Mix in a bowl the Ranch and Vinaigrette and parm. Beat really well. Then pour over the chopped greens. Toss.

I rarely measure when I cook, so you'll just have to add these ingredients to taste. I know it sounds like you'd definitely go over your allowed dressing amount, but just add a little at the time to the greens and toss really well. Then taste. A little goes a long way. Maybe on stage 2 or three I can figure out some croutons.

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