Monday, January 31, 2011

The Experiment

Oh book, with your hot pink cover. Will I praise you or loathe you? Yes.

I've tried few diets in my time. Now I can't say I've given every fad diet, late night infomercial exercise revelation or recent appetite control pill a try. I've always felt like I could just watch what I was eating and I'd be able to drop a few pounds. Well, after many many years I'm willing to say it's not that simple.

More history in a few. But for now I wanted to post out a quick message letting everyone know why we are here. My wife and I have decided to try The 17 Day Diet. After hearing about it from a friend we did a little research, gave it some thought and purchased the book. I won't go into tons of detail about what the diet is and how it works, you can find that info explained at the link above. Our reason for being here is to document our journey. Track our progress, or lack there of. Express how we feel, both physically and emotionally. Just write it down. Heck, maybe even receive some support, encouragement and even some accountability from you fine folks out there on the InterWeb.

I promise to keep it simple, and keep the info flowing as much as possible.

So join in, post comments, send us emails and lets get the discussion going.

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